A Paved Road to Peace
In her “basic” understanding, she believes that no member of her community would want to join an armed group, be it the Armed Forces of the Philippines or the NPA, “if people are given their due.”
In her “basic” understanding, she believes that no member of her community would want to join an armed group, be it the Armed Forces of the Philippines or the NPA, “if people are given their due.”
The virus continues to threaten us with death. The resulting economic crisis threatens us with hunger. The political duplicity and deceit threaten our freedom. All of these threaten the very future of our children and their children.
The Anti-Terror Bill will not help in our common aspiration for a democratic society where all political, philosophical and religious beliefs are supposedly respected and tolerated.
The “charm” of Charmaine, starts with her explanation as to how she got her nickname “XX” (eks-eks). It is now known to everybody she met and will meet in the future. It is also known to everyone that along with the unassuming charm of XX that draws poeple in, comes an unmistakably very serious peace work that holds them together.
Women should be more involved in peace work on the aspect of participation in decision making processes, particularly in integrating women concerns and protection in the peace and development plans.